Household Hazardous Waste

Midwest City Stormwater Quality Phone Number: 405-739-1040
Midwest City Household Hazardous Waste Phone Number: 405-739-1049
Many consumer products contain chemicals that if improperly used, stored, or disposed of, may be hazardous to human health or the environment. Chemicals in these products become hazardous waste when they are no longer wanted or needed as household products and are not disposed of properly.
In 2002, Midwest City, along with the Central Oklahoma Metropolitan Environmental Association (COMEA), cooperatively established Oklahoma’s first permanent Household Hazardous Waste Facility. In 2007, COMEA was dissolved and Midwest City took over the operations related to Household Hazardous Waste Disposal. Midwest City residents use the facility for free. Other communities interested in using Midwest City’s Household Hazardous Waste Facility must have signed an agreement with Midwest City. Currently, there are ten other municipalities that have signed agreements with Midwest City. They include:
- Choctaw
- Del-City
- Forest Park
- Jones
- Nichols Hills
- Nicoma Park
- Un-Incorporated areas of Oklahoma County
- Slaughterville
- Spencer
Below is a quick reference list of acceptable items eligible for the Hazardous Waste Recycling Program:
- Acids, Bases, and Corrosive materials
- Adhesives and glues
- Aerosol Cans
- Latex & Oil-based Paints
- Batteries (all sizes and types)
- Fertilizers & Oxidizers
- Pool Chemicals
- Flammable Solids & Liquids - Gas cans can be emptied and returned.
- Household Cleaners
- Degreasers
- Propane Tanks
- Fluorescent Bulbs & Mercury
- Pesticides, Herbicides & Fungicides (current and banned chemicals)
- Printer Cartridges
- Used Oil & Oil Filters
- Automotive Fluids, Antifreeze, Transmission Fluid, ect.
- Tires
- Electronics and Televisions
- Metal and Large Appliances
A few items are not eligible for recycling or disposal at the Hazardous Waste Facility. These items include:
- Explosives and ammunition
- Asbestos
- Biological or Medical Waste
- Radioactive Waste (except smoke alarms)
- Commercial or industrial generated waste
Residents may also visit the Hazardous Waste facility to look at our items currently available for reuse. The reuse shop contains items brought in for recycling or disposal that are still in good working condition.
Call us at 405-739-1049 to set up an appointment.